Our core assortment includes shut-off valves, butterfly check valves and air- and flue gas dampers, as well as knife gate valves. At the same time, we deliver special valves from other producers, especially check valves, safety globe valves, sight glasses, as well as blow-off valves. Of course, we provide You with individual automation solutions, for which we work together with well-known producers of actuators.
We have been actively providing our services for several years now. Activities like audition of valves belong to our routine work nowadays.
More than 150 years ago Magdeburg was the cradle of valve manufacture in Germany.
Many generations have contributed to the unique know-how in research and development, manufacture and application of industrial valves and fittings. Manufacturer names with world-wide reputation have been standing for this development: Schäffer & Budenberg, Strube, Polte and, after World War II, Magdeburger Armaturenwerke MAW, the parent company of the nationally-owned valve manufacturing trust.
The team of NOVAL are among those people who are profiting today from this long tradition on the original scene.